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Mary Bean, AICP

Mary Bean has a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies and Planning from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

She has over 20 years of experience in land use planning in both the public and private sector as a former County planner from Santa Barbara. Mary specializes in finding ways to streamline the environmental process, by carefully scrutinizing projects and tailoring analyses to produce concise and defensible documents.

Mary had handled numerous projects under her belt ranging from commercial and residential infill; large-scale subdivisions and mixed-use developments; public facilities such as hospitals and fire stations; transportation, transit and heavy rail corridors; data centers; and annexations. Her experience also allows her to be very effective in strategizing with clients about the most efficient approach to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environment Policy Act (NEPA) clearance at the local, state and national levels.

She also serves on panels to educate and inform planners about the ever changing landscape of CEQA regulations.

Mary is a member of several professional planning organizations, including:

-American Planning Association<br>
-Association of Environmental Professionals<br>
-Women’s Transportation Seminar<br>
-The Urban Land Institute

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