Why Work with a CDP Accredited Solutions Provider?

CDP Accredited Solutions Providers do more than just provide support to companies responding to CDP’s questionnaire. They also illuminate pathways for organizations working to grow their ESG programs as a whole and move forward on their sustainability journeys.

CDP’s 2024 Integrated Questionnaire Explained

This year, CDP has moved to a new, integrated questionnaire model, combining Climate, Water Security, and Forests questionnaires into one. How has it changed, and will this impact your response in the coming months?

CDP in 2023: Upping the Ante on Water Security

CDP has made some notable changes to its 2023 Water Security questionnaire. We’ll be exploring what those changes are in-depth and look ahead to what we may be able to expect in future iterations.

Take Action for CDP 2023: A Checklist for Responders

Your 2022 CDP disclosure has been submitted. Congratulations! You and your team are breathing a well-deserved sigh of relief. What’s next on the agenda, and what should you look forward to for the 2023 season?

CDP Checkup: Optimizing Your CDP Disclosure in 2021

CDP Checkup Webinar CDP Disclosure in 2021

ADEC ESG hosted a live webinar to help you understand CDP Core Principles when working on CDP disclosures. Watch the recording on-demand and join our expert team of ESG consultants as they provide exclusive tips on updating your response for 2021.

CDP Core Principles (Webinar Recap)

In the latest interactive webinar hosted by ADEC ESG Solutions, our expert team of ESG consultants led a discussion on CDP’s Core Principles and how CDP data can be used across other ESG reporting frameworks. Want to gain a better understanding of the fundamentals and what trends to look out for in 2021 and beyond? We take you through a full breakdown below.

CDP Core Principles: A Primer for Reporting Companies

CDP Core Principles: A Primer for Reporting Companies graphic

ADEC ESG Solutions hosted a live webinar to help you learn about CDP Principles and where these principles come into play in responding to not only CDP, but other reporting frameworks as well. Watch the webinar on-demand to understand the fundamentals–and what to look out for in 2021.

Measuring CDP Performance by Sector

Measuring CDP Performance by Sector graphic

With the submittal deadline fast-approaching, let’s talk CDP: why you should disclose, how different sectors are performing, and what you can do to ensure that your organization improves year-over-year.

Understanding Scenario Planning and the TCFD

Understanding Scenario Planning and the TCFD graphic

We presented an overview of scenario planning and introduce the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) and how these directly affect how companies disclose environmental and financial information.

Responding to CDP During Times of Global Crisis

Responding to CDP During Times of Global Crisis graphic

While transparency and reporting for businesses have become increasingly important in recent years, the changing landscape in light of the current pandemic has made these factors even more crucial.

Scenario Planning: Understanding Risk and Opportunity

Scenario Planning: Understanding Risk and Opportunity Banner Image

Scenario planning is a strategic planning tool that helps you account for the uncertainty of future conditions while developing your business strategy. Evaluating multiple factors involved in a range of future possibilities will help you better understand uncertainties and key areas of vulnerability.

Improve Your CDP Response

improve your cdp response

You have started responding to CDP’s disclosure questionnaire but have consistently received a Disclosure (D-/D) or Awareness (C-/C). You have aspirations to improve your reporting practices and to become more transparent in your disclosure environmental impact. You are working to take firmer action towards reducing emissions, and to achieve Management (B-/B) level or above from CDP in recognition of these improvements.

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