What is a sustainable supply chain?

Over the past decade and into the new one, there has been a marked shift towards corporate sustainability, transparency, and accountability. More and more large corporations are making commitments to cut their greenhouse gas emissions.

Looking Ahead: Supply Chain Management Trends for 2020

Looking Ahead: Supply Chain Management Trends for 2020 Banner Image

Supply chain management plays a crucial role in the operations of globalized businesses. From planning and sourcing to delivery and logistics, effective supply chain management enables businesses to respond flexibly to changes in consumer demand, market conditions, and other global factors.

Commitments to Clean Chemistry: The ZDHC User Tool Conference

Commitments to Clean Chemistry: The ZDHC User Tool Conference Banner Image

Last week, ADEC Innovations team members attended the ZDHC User Tool Conference in Shanghai, in one of the year’s biggest events for suppliers and brand partners, focusing on sustainable practice and environmentally-conscious production. With more than 400 delegates from 200 companies gracing the event, this year’s conference was a major success for the

Lowering the Costs of Auditing through Automation

Lowering the Costs of Auditing through Automation Banner Image

Audits are costly. Managing supply chain connections, conducting assessments, tracking corrective actions, and aggregating all this information into useful reports are necessary tasks that are both time-consuming and labor-intensive. However, an effective automated solution can greatly reduce these costs, taking on much of the labor of auditing.

Effective Management of Chemical Information

Effective Management of Chemical Information Banner Image

There are over 7 billion people on Earth. If each person owned only one pair of pants, one shirt, and one jacket, there would be 21 billion articles of clothing in circulation. We all know that number is not accurate given our fashion cultural norms. Scientists and organizations recently have exposed the dramatic effects on the environment, such as water pollution, from textile/garment production. Household name brands are committed to initiatives such as the ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) Programme. The ZDHC Programme leads the textile, leather and footwear industries towards zero discharge of hazardous chemicals in textile production by 2020, to ensure the safety of neighboring communities and tackle water pollution.

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