The Ultimate Guide to EcoVadis Reporting

In part two of our series on sustainability reporting platform EcoVadis, we’re taking a deep dive into the disclosure process: methodology, roles, and a step-by-step guide.

Why Work with a CDP Accredited Solutions Provider?

CDP Accredited Solutions Providers do more than just provide support to companies responding to CDP’s questionnaire. They also illuminate pathways for organizations working to grow their ESG programs as a whole and move forward on their sustainability journeys.

CDP’s 2024 Integrated Questionnaire Explained

This year, CDP has moved to a new, integrated questionnaire model, combining Climate, Water Security, and Forests questionnaires into one. How has it changed, and will this impact your response in the coming months?

Measuring Social Impact: Challenges and Best Practices

From diversity and inclusion to labor practices and workplace safety, an organization’s impact on the “S” in ESG can be difficult to measure and track. We address some of the challenges that quantifying social impact presents and provide some solutions for organizations that are looking to make it a priority.

Scope 3 Emissions Under the SEC’s Proposed Rule

In recent years, governments globally have enacted ESG-related disclosure regulations on companies that operate within their borders in an effort to increase accountability around climate risks and impacts.

CDP in 2023: Upping the Ante on Water Security

CDP has made some notable changes to its 2023 Water Security questionnaire. We’ll be exploring what those changes are in-depth and look ahead to what we may be able to expect in future iterations.

Take Action for CDP 2023: A Checklist for Responders

Your 2022 CDP disclosure has been submitted. Congratulations! You and your team are breathing a well-deserved sigh of relief. What’s next on the agenda, and what should you look forward to for the 2023 season?

ESG Trends in the APAC Finance Sector (Webinar Recap)

We partnered with CohnReznick and Sandpiper Communications on a webinar presenting ESG trends for the finance sector in the Asia-Pacific region. How can organizations adapt and implement ESG practices to position themselves as thought-leaders? What actions can you take to support responsible growth?

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