CDP Checkup: Optimizing Your CDP Disclosure in 2021

CDP Checkup Webinar CDP Disclosure in 2021

ADEC ESG hosted a live webinar to help you understand CDP Core Principles when working on CDP disclosures. Watch the recording on-demand and join our expert team of ESG consultants as they provide exclusive tips on updating your response for 2021.

CDP Core Principles (Webinar Recap)

In the latest interactive webinar hosted by ADEC ESG Solutions, our expert team of ESG consultants led a discussion on CDP’s Core Principles and how CDP data can be used across other ESG reporting frameworks. Want to gain a better understanding of the fundamentals and what trends to look out for in 2021 and beyond? We take you through a full breakdown below.

CDP Core Principles: A Primer for Reporting Companies

CDP Core Principles: A Primer for Reporting Companies graphic

ADEC ESG Solutions hosted a live webinar to help you learn about CDP Principles and where these principles come into play in responding to not only CDP, but other reporting frameworks as well. Watch the webinar on-demand to understand the fundamentals–and what to look out for in 2021.

Measuring CDP Performance by Sector

Measuring CDP Performance by Sector graphic

With the submittal deadline fast-approaching, let’s talk CDP: why you should disclose, how different sectors are performing, and what you can do to ensure that your organization improves year-over-year.

Responding to CDP During Times of Global Crisis

Responding to CDP During Times of Global Crisis graphic

While transparency and reporting for businesses have become increasingly important in recent years, the changing landscape in light of the current pandemic has made these factors even more crucial.

Reporting to CDP This Year? You Need These Tips

Reporting to CDP This Year? You Need These Tips Banner Image

CDP’s 2019 Questionnaire has now been released, along with a host of guides and tools. To help you get the best results you can, we’ve prepared a rundown of those tools, a list of best practices and a forensic look at the questions you found most challenging in 2018.

Pension Plans Are Driving Sustainability Reporting

Pension Plans Are Driving Sustainability Reporting Banner Image

Kinder Morgan, a publicly-traded company known for its controversial Trans Mountain Expansion pipeline through British Columbia, recently made another news headline: Shareholders voted against the Board of Directors’ recommendation to reject a shareholder’s resolution to adopt GRIS reporting guidelines for its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. How did this shareholder revolt happen?

The Importance of Climate Risk Disclosure for Business

With the effects of climate change becoming increasingly pronounced, disclosure of climate risks is critical for businesses. Failure to make a disclosure can facilitate poor investment decisions, asset losses, and the continuation of trade practices that lead to climate change.

MetricsTrac: For Timely and Accurate Sustainability Reports

Creating a sustainability report can be a time-intensive process. It involves collecting, evaluating and interpreting large amounts of data. Many companies usually have to source and put together sustainability data from different facilities, locations and teams. And some companies do not have the tools to manage and report their sustainability data. These situations can compromise the timeliness and quality of a sustainability report, which in turn can negatively affect a company’s reputation among stakeholders. For this reason, a sustainability metrics tracking application like MetricsTrac is essential when it comes to maximizing the usefulness of your data and coming up with a timely and accurate sustainability report.

ADEC Innovations is Your Partner for Better CDP Performance

ADEC Innovations is Your Partner for Better CDP Performance Image

CDP performance is one of the key indicators of a sustainable business, helping calculate the impact companies have on climate change. Investors and customers consider a business’ CDP performance to be one piece of concrete proof of its sustainability.

How Does Positive CDP Performance Drive Positive Financial Performance?

Environmental disclosure is becoming common practice across industries. The climate change benefits of transparency are fairly well-established, and evidence is mounting that environmental disclosure and being an environmental leader can result in higher profits and stronger financial performance.

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