City Resiliency and Why it Matters (Webinar Recap)

City Resiliency and Why it Matters (Webinar Recap) graphic

Join us for a look back at a recent webinar, where we join changemakers in the sustainable development space to discuss the topics of resiliency, ESG, and how cities fit into the sustainability picture.

How Global Entities Are Bracing for Climate Change

How Global Entities Are Bracing for Climate Change Banner Image

As an island nation, the Philippines is particularly susceptible to the effects of global climate change, and their example highlights the importance of understanding the long-term environmental and economic benefits of sustainability.

Green Investments and Sustainable Development in Indonesia

Green Investments and Sustainable Development in Indonesia Banner Image

Indonesia still has a long way to go towards achieving development. Although its gross national income (GNI) rose from USD 10,690 in 2015 to USD 11,220 in 2016, an estimated 93 million Indonesians continue to subsist on USD 3.10 a day (the World Bank’s moderate poverty line).

Deforestation in Supply Chains: A Climate Change Challenge to Sustainable Development

Deforestation in Supply Chains: A Climate Change Challenge to Sustainable Development Banner Image

Why deforestation is critical to business and the Global Goals Addressing deforestation is critical to business, climate action and sustainable development. The global trade of soy, palm oil, cattle products and timber products (the four forest-risk commodities) is a major contributor of deforestation. If businesses don’t address their presence in supply chains, there will be significant ramifications for their reputation, operations and expenditure.

Transforming Our World Through Impact Assessments

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Reflected in our contemporary way of life are the dire consequences of unabated progress and consumerism. These impacts include climate change, biodiversity loss, corruption, inequalities in opportunities, and mass hunger, to name a few.

How to Mitigate the Effects of the Urban Heat Island

How to Mitigate the Effects of the Urban Heat Island Image

More than half the total global population lives in urban areas. This global rate of urbanization is expected to grow by more than 1% per year until 2030 as people migrate from rural to urban and suburban areas. As this migration occurs, it carries with it a number of potential environmental impacts, including the Urban Heat Island (UHI), which are increasingly concerning for many countries around the world.

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