The Challenge
As part of its planning efforts, SCAG wanted to get data on the energy and water usage of all commercial, industrial and residential operations and facilities in the region to:
- Inform and improve regional transportation and local city planning; and
- Meet its SB 375 target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles and light trucks.
Our Solution
SCAG relied on FirstCarbon Solutions, now known as ADEC Innovations, to identify and gather all of the data and information needed from a variety of sources, including the Department of Energy (DOE), Energy Information Administration (EIA), the California Energy Commission (CEC), and the six counties and 190 cities that SCAG represents. As a requirement of the project, ADEC established energy and water consumption factors which SCAG would need in different formats, such as GIS tools.
ADEC also provided design guidance for SCAG’s Internet-based sustainability portal for the public and regional city, county and transportation planners to access. This information provided Southern California residents insight into water and energy sources, as well as visibility into consumption in their community and how it compares to other areas, in order to help these residents reduce their resource use.
The ADEC Innovations Advantage
SCAG was looking for a partner with extensive expertise in compiling and managing environmental data and using data-driven insights to develop energy efficiency plans, and selected ADEC to help them meet their objectives.
ADEC provided SCAG with a suite of services ranging from energy and water inventory analysis to supply chain carbon and energy accounting:
- Energy Efficiency Services that audited and verified true energy conservation and helped implement energy efficiency programs in Southern California.
- Supply Chain Services evaluated if the entire supply chain of energy of all commercial, industrial and residential operations and facilities in Southern California met reporting requirements.
- Life Cycle Assessments measured all of SCAG members’ organizational operations and their associated impact on the environment.
ADEC helped SCAG monitor, manage and report on all of its environmental data, and cost-effectively managed the implementation of SCAG’s sustainability program. All ADEC programs are designed to help “lighten the load” and remove the guesswork associated with measuring and improving environmental management initiatives.
Environmental planning and improvement is an overwhelming task, especially if you don’t have all the information you need in order to make the best decisions. ADEC has helped make our sustainability goals for Southern California a reality.Grieg Asher, AICP, Southern California Association of Governments,GHG/Sustainability Project Manager
- Successfully estimated energy and water usage within the six counties and 190 cities of Southern California
- Helped individuals and businesses reduce their environmental impacts by providing information on the use and supply of energy and water in an easy-to-use format
- Get a step closer to meeting California’s Senate Bill SB 375 target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles and light trucks