
The past year saw an increase in ESG reporting and accountability standards, from global regulatory bodies to reporting frameworks. In turn, the resources we provide to organizations like yours focused primarily on topics that are top-of-mind in the sustainability space.

We’re looking back at some of the ways we’ve provided support to companies at all stages of their Sustainability Journeys and highlight our favorite online resources.

Zeroing in on decarbonization

Driven by the impacts of climate change and subsequent changes in regulatory, reporting, and investor demands, decarbonization is a critical topic in every industry. The process of decarbonization calls for long- and short-term planning, strategic integration, and robust data systems to help shape your plans and implementation. Different strategies, such as setting an internal price of carbon, should be assessed for viability, and each and every company’s situation is unique—there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

In November, we hosted a live webinar designed to provide organizations with a step-by-step walkthrough on how to get started with planning around decarbonization. We broke down the process, from identifying feasible strategies through implementation. View our recording of Streamlining Decarbonization: Key Strategies and Net-Zero Planning to get the full details.

Focusing on scope 3 emissions

With scope 3 GHG emissions—indirect emissions that occur in your value chain—accounting for a vast majority of many companies’ overall emissions, the topic of scope 3 also rose to the spotlight in 2022. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), and other financial regulators around the world have either proposed or implemented scope 3 disclosure requirements for many companies, and accurate scope 3 reporting takes time to develop.

To help you improve your scope 3 emissions management, ADEC ESG created a white paper that lays down the basics of scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions and provides tips on preparing a scope 3 inventory. Download Carbon Accounting Methods for Estimating Scope 3 Emissions. Our in-depth article, 4 Ways to Engage Your Supply Chain on Scope 3 GHG Emissions, provides a thorough breakdown of what you should consider when engaging suppliers on ESG.

We also provided GHG inventory development and support to clients around the world. These inventories, which often require third party verification, help inform companies’ goals and targets, the planning and implementation of carbon initiatives, and their annual financial and ESG reporting. Read more about our GHG inventory work with companies like Macerich and in other industries such as transportation and financial services.

Continuing support on disclosure and reporting

As a CDP Silver Climate Change consultancy partner in 2022, we continued to provide support on critical ESG disclosure, both to our clients and our wider business community. We continued our work with companies like Schnitzer and private clients in the chemicals and energy sectors, providing insights to help shape their CDP responses and improve their ESG programs as a whole. As a result, last year, 38% of clients made CDP’s coveted A List.

While 94% of our clients scored Management B or better in the 2022 CDP reporting year, we also took steps to ensure that our wider audience has access to a library of resources that will help them succeed.

Our three-part series on the GRI Standards Revisions updated readers on the recent major changes to GRI’s reporting standards, such as changes to requirements, alignment of GRI’s standards, and revisions to the definition of materiality within GRI’s context.

We also hosted two webinars to help reporting companies prep for CDP’s 2022 questionnaire, reviewing best practices, changes to the questionnaire and methodology, and live questions from our attendees. View 2022 CDP Updates: Optimizing Your Response and Prepping for Your CDP and ESG Success in 2022: Methodology and More to watch the full recordings. 

Reporting companies may also find the following articles particularly helpful as they prepare for the 2023 CDP reporting season:


As we take our first steps into a new year, ADEC ESG Solutions is excited to continue our work supporting organizations like yours as they continue on their Sustainability Journeys. Stay tuned as we provide you with more ESG insights in the coming year.


ADEC ESG Solutions is a leading provider of ESG solutions, including fully-integrated industry expertise, software solutions, and data management. Want to stay on top of the latest on global sustainability issues? Subscribe to our monthly newsletter, GreenWatch.

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