CDP Checkup Webinar CDP Disclosure in 2021

In this post, we will explore one of the areas covered in the upcoming webinar: creating synergies between Climate Change, Water Security, and Forest disclosures.

Want to dive deeper? Get the full breakdown of how to maximize your score this year by watching the full webinar here.

Synergies: Climate Change, Water Security, and Forests

Sustainability is an evolving landscape, and the CDP questionnaire has evolved with it. In this upcoming webinar, learn about what changes to expect in 2021 and how to use similarities between the three disclosure types to your advantage. Our team of experts will also cover examples of where these responses cross over.

In what areas can you take advantage of these cross-response synergies?

Risks and Opportunities. All questionnaires address the risks and opportunities relevant to your organization, including financial impacts, mitigation, and your company’s corresponding plan of action. Risks and opportunities often overlap. For example, a reputational risk due to changes in consumer behavior may apply for Climate Change, Water Security, and Forests.

Board-level Engagement. All CDP questionnaires discuss the level of engagement the board and C-suite has with these environmental issues. Maximize your score by incorporating sustainability targets as a part of board and C-suite targets, providing incentives for achieving ESG goals, and reporting on sustainability more frequently.

Value Chain Engagement. To fully understand your own impacts, you need to work with your suppliers on climate change, water security, and forests issues. Be sure to identify who you engage with and how you engage with them, as well as the scope, rationale, and impact of your engagement.

Company-specific Descriptions. Providing information that is unique to your organization—including specific examples and case studies—is important in each questionnaire. Our experts will discuss how you can implement the STAR method in helping to meet CDP’s criteria.

View the webinar on-demand to learn more.

This masterclass-style webinar will walk you through core concepts in responding to CDP, which can help to improve your responses and optimize your performance. We will also go over 2021 reporting cycle updates that you should consider as you build out your CDP response.

This webinar covers key topics including:

  • Timeline for upcoming reporting season
  • 2021 CDP updates to be aware of
  • How to account for COVID in your response
  • Best practices for maximizing your score
  • Understand the synergies between the Climate Change/Water/Forest questionnaires

Watch the webinar here.


ADEC ESG Solutions has over 30 years of experience helping global companies enhance their ESG programs and meet their sustainability goals. In 2020, our team helped over 85% of clients achieve a Management score or better, with one in ten clients making the A List for the first time in 2020.

We offer a variety of services to maximize your CDP disclosure and help you be recognized as a sustainability leader. To learn more, visit here.

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