
CDP’s methodology underwent several changes for 2016. First, CDP came up with a new scoring system. Under the old scoring system, organizations were rated according to disclosure (their level of transparency) and performance (how effectively they are addressing climate risks). Organizations received a numerical score for disclosure and a letter band for performance. Under CDP’s new scoring methodology, organizations will be given a single letter band per criteria.

The new scoring system assesses organizations in four levels: Disclosure, Awareness, Management and Leadership. In addition, the point allocations for all questions have changed. CDP’s new methodology has
adopted a laddered approach. An organization will only qualify for the next level of scoring (e.g., Awareness) if it reaches the 75% threshold at the previous level (e.g., Disclosure).

How can organizations keep up with CDP’s 2016 methodology? They need to assess their climate risks and opportunities, and demonstrate that they are doing so. For example, are you setting science-based targets (SBT)? How ambitious are your targets? Have you evaluated your Scope 3 and other emissions? How do you integrate climate change processes?


FirstCarbon Solutions (FCS) offers CDP services such as performance reviews, supply chain engagement and disclosure completion. After scoring 15,600+ CDP responses since 2011, we are an expert in the scoring methodology*. To learn more about the changes for 2016, join us for our free, 45-minute webinar, Understanding CDP’s 2016 Methodology.


*In accordance with CDP’s conflict of interest policy, FCS does not provide official scoring services for any of our CDP consulting clients.


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