
CDP performance is one of the key indicators of a sustainable business, helping to evaluate the impact companies have on climate change. Investors and customers consider a business’ CDP performance to be a good indicator of its sustainability. CDP’s rankings measure transparency of climate change impacts, as well as the efforts taken to mitigate and reduce those negative impacts. The CDP Climate Change Questionnaire focuses on how businesses incorporate climate change risk analysis into planning, strategy, risk, and opportunities reporting. Disclosing an organization’s sustainability efforts, such as improving climate change impacts, as a part of its core business strategies can improve its CDP performance.

Respondents gain credit by demonstrating how sustainability initiatives are integrated into their business cases, corporate planning or risk management programs. Responses should also highlight board-level insight and discuss the financial incentives of improved sustainability efforts.

The CDP Scoring Methodology for the 2018 Climate Change Questionnaire has been released, and there are some significant changes that companies should be aware of before submitting responses to CDP. These changes are also outlined in CDP’s Question Changes and Map: 2017 to 2018 Document.


As a CDP silver climate change and SBT consultancy partner in North America with more than a decade of experience helping companies improve their CDP performance, ADEC ESG is uniquely positioned to support companies like yours in analyzing and improving on your disclosure performance. Learn more about how we can help here.

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