Steps to Improve Your Company's CDP Performance Banner Image

84_PERSPECTIVEARTICLE_BLOG PHOTO-1.pngCDP performance is one of the key indicators of a sustainable business, helping calculate the impact companies have on climate change. Investors and customers consider a business’ CDP performance to be one piece of concrete proof of its sustainability. CDP’s rankings measure transparency of climate change impacts, as well as the efforts taken to mitigate and reduce those negative impacts.

In order to measure progress from corporate and government efforts, standards need to be set and organizations need to be assessed on their progress toward meeting their sustainability and climate change goals. CDP is one of the most credible ranking organizations in the world on this topic, according to GlobeScan’s Rate the Raters survey. CDP’s rankings communicate the progress companies have made in addressing environmental issues, and highlight where risks may be unmanaged.

Disclosing an organization’s sustainability efforts as a part of its core business strategies can improve its CDP performance. Respondents gain credit by demonstrating how sustainability plans are integrated into their business cases, corporate planning or risk management programs. Responses should also highlight board-level insight and discuss the financial incentives of improved sustainability efforts.

It is a good start for companies to declare their commitment to sustainability. However, they must also demonstrate this commitment by having concrete sustainability goals as well as specific steps on how to achieve these goals. A company that works towards a concrete sustainability goal is more likely to integrate sustainability measures into its business operations. By doing so, that company becomes a genuinely sustainable organization that has the trust and respect of stakeholders.


ADEC Innovations will discuss how to improve your CDP performance in next week’s FREE webinar, 4 Steps to Improve Your CDP Performance. Space is limited, so register today for this informative session on Tuesday, December 12, 2017 at 7:00am PST / 10:00am EST. We look forward to talking with you about improving your company’s CDP performance!


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