The latest trends and
initiatives in ESG and

Sep 2019

Our Perspective

The fashion and textile industries are facing increasing challenges as trade relations remain tense between the US and China. What changes can we expect in the months to come, and how are many businesses preparing for them? Read More

Industry Updates

Using specially created nanofiber webs allows sunlight to decay the dyes safely, inexpensively and easily. Read More

Subsidy cut in China prompted global dip in sales figures, reports suggest. Sales of electric vehicles in China have dropped for the first time in July following a cut in government subsidies. Read More

Amazon (AMZN) announced Wednesday that it will remove all non-recyclable plastic from its deliveries in India by June 2020, replacing the “air pillows” and bubble wrap it uses to protect products with padding made out of paper. Read More

SEP 2019
Special Feature


Thursday, 12 September 2019
7:00am PDT / 3:00pm BST

Integrating climate-related risk and opportunity analysis will change the way you do business.

In this webinar, ADEC Innovations is teaming up with the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) to discuss the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), scenario planning, and how they relate to your CDP disclosure.

Sign up for our free webinar below, or click here to find out more about our CDP services.


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