As CDP evolves, responders rise to tackle new challenges every year. A new software platform, an integrated questionnaire, and big scoring changes require companies responding to CDP’s questionnaire to be agile, flexible, and resilient to potential changes to their sustainability reporting programs.
In this webinar, our experts will help you prepare for CDP reporting in 2025. What did we learn from our experiences last year? How can you make reporting easier this year? Why did you receive the score you did, and how can you interpret that score and use it to improve your ESG programs?
We’ll cover topics such as:
Have a specific question for us? Register today to submit your questions, and we’ll answer them during the Q&A portion of the webinar.
As a CDP silver climate change and SBT consultancy partner in North America with more than a decade of experience helping companies improve their CDP performance, ADEC ESG is uniquely positioned to support companies like yours in analyzing and improving on your disclosure performance.
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